A quantitative research study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of PDCA module on the knowledge regarding life style modifications on COVID 19 pandemic among health professionals in a selected hospital at Kollam. The objectives of the study were to assess the pre – test knowledge score of health professionals regarding the life style modifications on Covid 19 pandemic, to evaluate the effectiveness of PDCA module on knowledge regarding life style modifications on Covid 19 pandemic, to find out the association between the pre test knowledge score regarding life style modifications on Covid 19 pandemic with selected demographic variables of health professionals. Non probability convenient sampling technique was used to select 30 staff nurses for the research study. The tools used for the data collection were demographic proforma, structured knowledge questionnaire and structured teaching programme. The mean post test score 18. 36 with the standard deviation 1.77 was significantly higher than the mean pre test knowledge score 13.36 with the standard deviation 2.25. The null hypothesis (H0) is accepted. This showed that there was improvement in the knowledge of staff nurses after the implementation of structured teaching programme. And thus the PDCA module was statistically significant at 0.05 level (t = 12.20, P = 0.009). There was a significant association between pretest knowledge regarding the lifestyle modifications on Covid 19 pandemic with selected demographic variables of health professionals. Hence the study suggested that the PDCA module was effective in improving the knowledge on prevention of COVID 19 pandemic.